Tippin Cowl & Giveaway!

While summer and I will never truly be friends, for someone who is not a big fan of the heat and major sun time, I do some strange things when the thermometer climbs over 100. I really like to eat piping hot soup, drink tea, wear long pants and knit with giant piles of wool in my lap. Weird, I know. I heard someone once say, "A real knitter doesn't acknowledge the seasons when they knit" and I whole-heartedly agree with that. 500 Degrees outside? Bring on the bulky wool! Sweat trickling down your neck? Show me the worsted alpaca! I even (and here's where you'll roll your eyes) have started crocheting my holiday gifts. othercowl1

With that sentiment in mind of wool knowing no temperature boundaries in my home, I reached for the super bulky with dreams of cables and coziness, despite wanting to fan my face with a nearby magazine. Introducing the Tippin Cowl, an infinity cowl that comes in 2 sizes, chock full of cables with interesting twists and turns. Shown in 2 lengths in 2 completely different yarn options, this would be an excellent stash-busting gift for the people lucky enough to make it only your holiday knitting list.


Knit up in The Lemonade Shop's Super Bulky for the long version (that gorgeous single ply really shows off those cables), and Miss Bab's K2 for the shorter version, even though it's hot out, the squishy and delightful super bulky yarn ensures a quick knit on US 10s. Starting with a provisional cast on and ending with the ends kitchenered together, YOU decide how long or short you want it (just always finish on a full rep). Go even longer than the lighter version shown and knit until you run out of yarn, or go just enough to wrap it around your neck once. Come winter (and as my fellow Game of Thrones fans know, winter is coming), you'll be patting yourself on the back for having this little beauty knit, blocked and ready-to-wear when those first few flakes start to fall (or to plop in front of the TV to watch Jon Snow come back, because you KNOW Jon Snow is coming back).



I've started color-coding all my cable charts to make them easier to read, but if you prefer, the written instructions are included as well. Call me a glutton for punishment, or call me just plain smart, but hand me the super chunky wool any day.


The Tippin Cowl is available for download here.

Now for the giveaway! Answer the following trivia question correctly and be entered in to win a copy of the Tippin Cowl pattern! A winner will be randomly chosen and contacted by me via email on Friday, July 24th. Contest open to readers worldwide:

In Game of Thrones, what are names of Daenerys' parents? 

Valar dohaeris!