Some BIG News!

This past summer my son was in camp and suddenly I had 5 mornings a week with 3 hours each day TO MYSELF for 8 WEEKS. Don't get me wrong - being a mom is the best job in the world and my son is amazing, but as someone creative, sometimes I miss being able to make a huge mess on the table and not worry about the bits of metal, glass, etc being grabbed by tiny hands, or spreading my paints out all over the floor or getting involved in a project that I know I will work on 24/7 for a few weeks and my patient husband doesn't mind just stepping around it. my birthday quilt

To suddenly have 15 hours a week to do with what I pleased, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with those hours. I dusted off my sewing machine, found a few quilt patterns, researched fabrics and hatched a plan. What resulted at the end of the summer was 3 quilts done (one for me for my birthday, one for my son, one for a friend going through a very difficult time) with another cut and ready to be pieced for my husband. I LOVE quilting. The puzzler part of my brain adores the meticulous process of cutting and piecing, matching colors and fitting all those bits of fabric together to form a functional, beautiful object to keep you warm. It's reminiscent of knitting, but the fabric is already made, rather than having to knit the fabric in the first place.


After camp ended, my sewing craving wasn't satiated - oh no. Instead it was ramped up x1000 and all I wanted to do was sit in front of my machine and sew late into the night. I've never been a big sleeper - I just don't need a lot and have had a sleep disorder for years and years. I use this to my advantage knitting late into the night while watching TV on my computer, but instead of reaching for my needles, I found myself gravitating towards my sewing machine. After coming to the conclusion that we don't need 57 quilts in our tiny house, and seeing my favorite project bag I bought years ago on Etsy suddenly fall apart, I decided to make myself a new bag.


Most knitters have an obsessive personally - I've noticed this over years of teaching - and I am no exception. I was so pleased with my project bag that I couldn't stop at just one. I started making them by the dozens. Everywhere I went with my bag people asked where they could get one and if they could buy the one I had from me. Why are my knitting and crochet project bags better than the rest? Made with 100% designer cotton fabrics, my bags are fully lined with coordinating fabric, are machine-washable, roomy enough for a big project, and one-of-a-kind.  Unlike other bags, I use fabric drawstrings instead of cheap nylon cording. There are no plastic toggles or zippers for your yarn to get stuck or snagged in - my biggest pet peeve regarding all the project bags I've bought from other people over the years.


With the encouragement of a good friend, my husband cheering me on and long, sleepless nights to sew my way through, I hatched a plan to open an Etsy shop by October 1, starting with 110 bags. The result? TanisKnits project bags!


I hope you'll head on over to my new shop and find something to your liking. Keep your knitting happy and safe in a TanisKnits project bag!

Visit my new Etsy shop here.